Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Columbian, Portugese, Braizilian...

No not guys, but food and a football/ soccer match!

I tried a Columbian restaurant on Shroud Green. It was good...and huge.....n I finished it. Much to my embarrassment. I ordered a fish (pescado) covered in a thick orange sauce...heavenly and it only set me back 10 quid. It helped that I only ordered tap water..like the cheapskate I am. :)

This was a pre football game dinner: Portugal vs Brazil friendly at the emrirates stadium, home of Arsenal FC!!!!
Its a new stadium apparently..lovely....and I sat so near the front, albeit nearer one side of the goal post. Unfortunately, the only big name star that I REALLY recognised was Cristiano Ronald. But then they took him off half way through the 2nd half..booooooooooo
The game was not very fun and kinda goaless till the last few minutes of the second half when Portugal scored 2 goals!! That silenced the Brazilian drums for once....

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