Monday, February 05, 2007

O my I am blogging

I havent blogged in eons. I don't even know who reads this anymore. Too much work..too much work I say. And I party too..and heck I am london! Why should I be sitting in front of the computeR? Actually I do..a lot..on MSN cos I miss my friends and on email..and reading off the laptop cos I am too cheap to print in school 4p a PAGE!!!! are they mad? thats like 12 cents in Singapore currency

The LSE Singsoc is holding a auction of people and friend asked me to take part. At first I was reluctant. A bit malu and a bit afraid..but of course I don't mind trying too just for fun. 23 still can do this kinda time 30 years old..too disrespectable right?
Though even now..postgrad up for bid? ehhhh I'll prob do like a musical or something....Feel like watching something. :)

Have a ton of essays and presentations due. Cant focus though....was reading on Wahsington Consensus and all that stuff...the words are just flying past my head and I start to wonder..."what does this have to do with me?" oh grades.....

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