Friday, December 09, 2005

What I learnt from my classes

BA 133 Investments How the finance world has no ethics
1. Buy a mutual fund with no load
2. Money managers usually can't outperform the market at all and in fact, no one can do it regularly so best is invest it in a benchmark index and just hold it long term.
3. Brokers are just out to get commissions

BA118 International Trade Trade is all about politics
1. Trade is all about trickery and politicians
2. I didnt really go to class so thats about it that I know

Economics 140 Econometrics Models and more models
1. Omitted variables are a pain
2. All results are inaccurate
3. Stata is a pain to use and people in my class need to go take intro math classes. DO NOT ask "professor, how do you find the mean?" at an 8am upper division economics class PLEASE

Geography 152 Multicultural Europe
United Nations with philosophy
1. Europe is one messed up place and not very welcoming to migrants
2. I need to learn a foreign language because some articles she gives us are in: Spainish, German, French to name a few
3. All those great philosophers have weird names: Kant, Hegel etc.

Philosophy 5 Philosophy of Science
Science is not as accurate as it appears to be. What you learn is an illusion
1. The world is what you want it to be. You just have to explain it away and rewrite scientific history
2. PAradigm shifts, revolutions and monads. Hey maybe the earth rotates around mars and not the sun!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah you can't beat the market cos of asymmetrical info. but ppl still invest anyway. and earn commissions anyway. ponder ponder.