Monday, December 12, 2005

Changes- How we Grow

I was just looking at my pictures...especially those that I took with my friends before I came here and I was simply amazed at how we have changed. In that short time from 19 years old (teenagehood) to now, at 21, on the brink of womanhood, we have all changed a lot. I think we all look a lot better now. Haha. And without surgery too. Well, cept me maybe cos I have been going through like major weight changes with the American diet..But here goes. I hope they don't kill me.
Watch Maureen and Olivia blossom! =P


1 comment:

momo said...

hey lijun, actually do you have any more photos of us? not that i want u to post dem ALL on ur blog but i'm looking for photos i lost when i reformatted my comp la.. momo :)