Saturday, December 31, 2005

Singaporean Blues

I have been back for more than a week. And obviously been too busy or to lazy to post. If you know we well enough, its a combination of both although more of the latter. Ha.

I came back to a renovated house. The books were in boxes, the door of the kitchen had been shifted, we had a new toilet in the back and also the floors had been redone. Nice? Yes. But. We had to unpack. My room had become the storage facility. I had golf bags, a gazillion boxes, decorations, towels, name it. So I showered in my sister's bathroom, slept on the floor in Liying's room using her puny "baby pillow" which barely fit my head and her blanket..dumped my suitcase in my parents' room. And then it was down to UNpacking. That was hell. So dusty and nose started to run. Wipe clean pack Wipe clean pack. My clothes that I took out of the boxes had a terrible stale smell. bleah. good thing i can live outta my suitcase. haha.

Of course having no maid doesn't help. My parents were terribly cranky. The stress of it just took a toll on them. And they got irritable and naggy and mad easily..and so did my sisters...who of course had to do their work and school stuff and were also too used to having a they didn't help as my parents expected them to. Which led to unhappiness..but its ok. We drank wine on new year's morning. We forget. Till we wake up and have to clear up the house.

So what have I been doing? I'll save that for the next entry. But it goes along the lines of chinatown, clubbing, floorball, weird people and no working out. Here comes the FATS~