Random picture from Fabric on Friday night..FLAMING SEMBUCA!
This girl from China put up an ad in my hall looking for someone to converse in English with her a few hours a week..and she was paying 6-8 pounds an hour! Good and easy money right?
So I called her up and she asks me where I am from
I go "Singapore"
Shes like. Oh, I don't think I want someone from Singapore.
I was puzzled. I think she thought that my English would suck...so I asked her "oh why, do you want someone who is British?"
She said "yes, I prefer someone British" (i think she meant white)
And this is despite the fact that I spoke very good non Singlish English to her! (yes i had to keep the lahs and the wah laus and the sotong out)
Honestly, I was a little miffed. I swear my English is better than some Brits or Americans! (ok, maybe not on a blog..)
Just cos I am CHINESE!!!!
I suppose no matter what, theres a racial stereotype. Like, would I want a caucasian who spoke fluent chinese to teach me chinese? I think I would probably go for the chinese guy with the long flowing beard................
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