Saturday, August 05, 2006

I am back on my Samsung Q35!

This is my first entry ins eons...where have I been? Busy with life...haha. I just returned from a 1.5 mth internship in Shanghai.
But firstly, this entry is done on my brand new samsung q35 12.1inch laptop. I think it was a steal at SGD1999 at the PC Show.
With a DVD, CDRW drive, it weighs in at slightly under 4 pounds. and its quite pretty. I'm sorry, I'm biased when it comes to asthetically pleasing laptops.thats why IBM is a no go for me, as solid as it is (sorry Chuohao!)

So far, I have been pretty happy with it. Then again, I have only been using it for 2 days. I did encounter problems though..when I first got it, the AVS Now Station wasnt working program and I had to take it back to the Samsung shop in SG to get it fixed. Thank goodness for the warranty!
Also, the mouse touch pad is a little insensitive and the keyboard/ key pad does not feel to great to feels a little rough. This seems to have to do with the rough silver finishing....Or maybe the fact I need to cut my nails?? haha.

It has been ok warm, with about 4-5 hours battery life on normal mode so far. Then again, I don't use my laptop intensively..but since when were small laptops meant to be used intensively?

I do wish they had more USB ports..mine only has 2. One in the back and one at the side..maybe its the norm I don't know.??

I do love the AVS function, and the laptop does not get unduly hot at all...nothing like my friend's Sony Vaio.

Over all, for SGD1999, I'm happy. =)

Looking forward to nicer laptops from Samsung!