Sunday, January 08, 2006

Singapore Pics

1. I permed my hair but apparently it is kinda gone by now
2. I went clubbing esp mambo, and I also checked out Wala
3. I met up with friends and because I am lazy to label my pics..oh well. But yes thats Dawn Yeo. And can you even tell I permed my hair??? The 3rd pic from the top with Swee Tiang and Huang Yu is pre perm and cut. The rest are post. HAHA
4. I hung out with my family and we just celebrated my birthday. Really early. =)
The bought me a cake from Awfully Chocolate thats located at upper thomson..if you havent tried it go try!
5. And we also discovered this wonderful muffin place called chocolate and spice at the Shunfu hawker centre/ market.


Anonymous said...

miss you already (:

remember to take care. and DONT OPEN THE THING UNTIL INSTRUCTED TO!


the lazy socialite said...

how long u think i can wait ah...dying to tear it apart...