Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Lijun in LA

I had a great time in LA, thanks to the wonderful hospitality of John and his family~ Pardon the bad english.

I landed in Berkeley/SFO on Thursday at 6pm, picked up by Jian Yuan (thanks for the ride) and then caught a plane to LA on Friday at 155pm. John kindly picked me up from Long Beach Airport at 320pm and then off we went to south coast mall for some shopping. I ended up getting some tops from Abercrombie and Fitch because they were on sale. I got a brown top for my mum... its sleeveles..mum, do you still wear sleeveless? can wear a sweater over it...
Anyway, the mall was amazingly white. Why? Well I always thought that LA was very Asian I guess and the mall had a LOT more white people than asian people. So I guess I was just surprised. But I suppose there are more rich white people huh...

Anyway, stayed in John's house..theres a pic of the room (and my mess). I also celebrated my birthday in LA. I was really surprised that "ah ee" and "po po" actually bought me a cake and sang me a birthday song. First time I had a birthday cake with everything in Chinese characters..=)
Actually, I was really touched. I owe them a lot....because they made my stay really enjoyable. In the day we went to an outlet mall..bought 2 tops for my em?

Day after, we went to Rodeo drive (where the shops were closed. again.) and just took a stroll down...its really pretty but oh so unaffordable. Also went to Santa Monica..its so pretty too..did I ever mention that LA has a really beautiful sky? Also ate a lot of dim sum in Rowland Heights..yummie..hahha had it twice in a row.


Anonymous said...

haha cute cake! ms. tan?? woah really cheena but its the thought that counts yah? anyway i got a card in the mail for u...shd hopefully reach u smtime next wk! happy bday! =)

Anonymous said...

depends on the mall i guess-- i've always been amazed by the paucity of white people, but usually i see more latinos, rather than asians.
