Sunday, December 04, 2005

Banquet Fall 2005

Ladies in Red
Judy, Me MUACKS!
Matt, always there for us (and the computer)
Tina gets to have her cake and eat it

Jean and I and a Christmas Tree
Another TRIPLE L Picture with someone trying to jump in =)
3 "Bright Lampposts" and couple (Debbie and Andy to the right)
Winnie. Judy. Linda Chen.

Location: PonzuRestaurant
Parking: Ellis O Farrell near Macy's Tops $6 after 6pm on weekends (Thanks Johnson 4 driving)
Banquet this semester was lovely. Kudos to Soccomm. I really enjoyed the ambience and the friendly company. We had Secret Santa again this semester, something I didnt have time to do last semester. It was so fun cos we had a Christmas tree complete with real as well as fake presents. Of course the fake presents looked much nicer than the real ones least in terms of size. haha. I got gemmy chocolates, not the funnest thing in the world but oh well...the heart cushion couldnt fit into the paperbag. haha. Stella was mine, and I rec a beautiful pair of earrings from her. Thanks girl!
I love Banquet cos I get to dress up and try to look pretty. Make upactually can be fun if it didnt take up so much time. This semester, Judy has been my fashionista. shes good....and also responsible for me matching a red necklace with a rose coloured dress, something i would not normally do. Cos I am like a boring silver, black and gold person.
Now its time to hit the books. Or try to.

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